General | MagiCubes 3D Media


10 01, 2014

JWT 100 Things to Watch in 2014

By | January 10th, 2014|Advertising Ideas, Advertising Specialties, Association Marketing, Direct Marketing, Educational Marketing, General, Magic Cubes|Comments Off on JWT 100 Things to Watch in 2014

Going Digital? Staying Digital? Or adding a hands on, tactile experience, this list of what’s hot and how to apply to your marketing mix.

Edible Packaging, Heads-Up Movement and Haptic Technology—just a few items from the annual list of 100 Things to Watch for the year ahead from JWT.

It’s a wide-ranging compilation that reflects developments surfacing across sectors including technology, television, food and spirits, retail, health care and the arts. The list also includes new types of goods or businesses, new behaviors and ideas with the potential to ladder up to bigger trends.

31 01, 2013

3 Dimensional Table Tents for Interactive Bar Promotions

By | January 31st, 2013|3D Cubes, Advertising Specialties, Beer Wine Liquor, Beverage, Case Histories, Gallery, General, Magic Cubes, Marketing Concepts, Trade Show Gifts|Comments Off on 3 Dimensional Table Tents for Interactive Bar Promotions

Touch. Teach. Connect Your Brand with Your Fans. Engage with a 3D Table Top Liquor Promotion for Bars and Restaurants

Get your free samples now..

Take a look how the 3D MagiCubes, Touch Teach and Connect with the 18-34 demo. You think they only want Digital Marketing? Think again. The digital generation wants to TOUCH. They want to get their hands on everything. And when they are sitting at the bar, or in the lounge they get excited when they can fidget and play with a fun tactile game or cube. Now lets get on with the show…

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Here is an actual custom 3D Video Proof of a Magic Cube. Yes, you can get your own, Get your free samples now.. Or send us your artwork, and get Free 3D Video with your own graphics. Click the Spec Sample link above.

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Ok, got time for another example?

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18 07, 2012

How to Use Infographics successfully in your dimensional advertising and direct marketing collateral material

By | July 18th, 2012|Business Trade Show Gifts, Educational Marketing, General, Marketing Concepts, Trade Show Gifts|Comments Off on How to Use Infographics successfully in your dimensional advertising and direct marketing collateral material

Dimensional Infographics generate response and action:

Is it advantageous to use infographics for a successful marketing collateral material?
One should consider using info-graphics in their marketing collateral material as a part of the 3 dimensional advertising. As advertising firms constantly intend to upgrade the kind of advertisements they prepare in order to keep attracting new customers towards the brand. From using 3D advertising to using something as basic as using info-graphics, advertising firms constantly strive to retain the impression of their brand in people’s mind. Many people are using a Magic Cubes to display their info graphics.

How has using infographics helped people?

The history of infographics for showcasing ideas and thoughts goes back to the beginning of 20th century, where brilliant philosophers were able to communicate well. Infographics has since then been used not only to give information but also to create a sense of awakening amongst the people. People who were unaware of various information regarding important things, infographics were the ideal way to give information in one image alone. The cave paintings made by the cavemen in prehistoric times is the ideal example for infographics where everything we know today about the caveman has been immortalized in the cave paintings.
Hence, since history began, information through images has been the most effective way of communicating. People simply had to view an image with related information and they would perceive the information on it.

How does infographics help marketing companies?
Marketing companies look for strategies to create that lasting impression on people’s minds about brands. This is done by using various new age technologies for advertisements like using the internet, mobile phones and until recently 3D films. But the most effective medium of communicating brand information or any information till now has been the infographics. Several marketing companies are using MagiCubes infographics in their dimensional advertising to get their marketing off the screen and into the hands of their prospects. Their marketing collateral material consists of one page or image which represents everything that the brand stands for. From providing statistics showcasing the status of the product to other brands to simply providing information on the origin of the brand, these infographics material carry it all.

How do people react to infographics being used as a part of the marketing collateral material? Is it effective?
Yes, most people who have seen a brand or any piece of information given by the government using the infographics technique have remembered the messages of the material. It has been more effective that bombarding images constantly at receivers to create a subliminal impression on people’s minds. Marketing strategists simply need to issue a single paper or give their messages in a single frame that contains all that the brand intends to communicate to people, and they will remember it. The essential component of creating a lasting impression in infographics is to understand the visual components that highlight the key messages of the advertisement. Most marketing companies hire an expert in infographics but many are experts in their own right as they use this strategy while giving presentations and slide shows.
Ultimately, it all depends on your creativity to communicate all the necessary information in a single frame without misleading the viewers. If the audience understands the key aspects of your advertisement, then, your marketing collateral material will be successful. For a free demonstration of infographics on a MagiCube, please call 877-99-CUBES or request a sample kit at this form

12 10, 2011

3D Dimensional Mail for Direct Marketing Success

By | October 12th, 2011|Case Histories, Educational Marketing, General, Magic Cubes, News|Comments Off on 3D Dimensional Mail for Direct Marketing Success

Dimensional Mail

When it comes to Business to Business marketing one of the key necessities is to stand out and get past the gate keepers. Reaching qualified prospects with impact is crucial. Creating a positive emotion when presenting your marketing is also very important when you want your clients and customers to remember you.  Using direct marketing and now known as dimensional mail, is now offering new and creative ways to break through the media clutter.

According to the Direct Marketing Association’s Response Rate Report – You can compare any direct response medium flat direct mail with dimensional, 3D tactile mailings and see that measured responses can pull 200-300% better than flat, envelope pieces.  In fact in the Direct Marketing Association’s Response Rate Report states last year, dimensional mail averaged the highest overall response rate, at 5.49 percent, of any direct response medium, according to the Direct Marketing Association’s Response Rate Report, with campaigns for some businesses yielding astronomical response rates of close to 16 percent. (The average response rate for other direct mail ast year was just 2.73 percent.)

The key to understanding dimensional mail is for one thing is that it’s not flat, and it typically arrives in a 3D Cube box or a cylindrical tube.  Consumer marketers selling packaged goods, for instance, have traditionally used boxed mailings to send product samples to hundreds of thousands of consumer prospects at one time. Unfortunately, only extremely deep-pocketed companies can employ this form of sampling to reach wide consumer audiences. The good news is, when used to target business-to-business prospects; dimensional mail campaigns can be dramatically effective in producing results from small, well-qualified, prospects.

Now B2B marketers can create custom small run dimensional mailings. Not all dimensional programs are the same, and they certainly do not offer the same results.  Depending on creative, and whether or not the campaing is long term or short lived.  But most importantly, one objective is clear. Engage your prospect with information that is delivered in a fun and playful medium.

Here are some ideas for creating a 3D dimensional marketing campaign:

1. Pre-qualify your list. Because mail that arrives in a box can be hard to resist, dimensional mailings are rarely discarded or opened by screeners, making them a great way to get your sales materials seen–and noticed–by your prospects. And although dimensional mail has a higher per-unit cost than simple flat mail, the cost for your overall campaign can be kept within modest bounds by mailing hand-delivering your boxes. It’s therefore critical to get your mailings in the right hands. Create a 3D item that creates multiple impressions, engages the audience and tells a story.

Begin by reviewing your company’s database and selecting your top B2B prospects. Do everything you can to clean and pre-qualify your prospects list, including making multiple phone calls to each business on the list until you’re satisfied you’ve found exactly the right decision-makers.

2. Create a memorable campaign. In order to open doors or move prospects further along in the sales cycle, your dimensional mail pieces have to be clever and demonstrate how you’ll meet your prospects’ needs. So tie your campaign in with your company’s overall marketing and advertising campaign.

What should you put in your box? It all depends on the message you want to convey. Just be sure the object is something your prospects will want to keep, and even display, for a while. Avoid overdone advertising specialty items, such as imprinted mugs, and go for something unique. For example, a Washington-area speechwriter once sent a “relaxation kit” to targeted decision-makers at major PR firms. His box included an aromatherapy candle and a neck pillow with his logo on it, along with clever, illustrated instructions on how to use the kit for maximum relief–and the message imparted was that hiring him would relieve the stress of too much work. So take some time to think about just what objects would work with your primary message–and what objects your clients would find unique or useful.

3. Make follow-up a top priority. In most cases, the primary purpose of dimensional mail is to capture the attention of prospects and open the lines of communication. That makes immediate follow-up within one to three business days essential. If your dimensional mail is successful, it’ll warm up your prospects and make them more receptive to your phone call. Of course, with the high response rate of dimensional mail, if your campaign is truly effective, prospects will soon be contacting you.

Touch. Teach. Connect with Three Dimensional Marketing with Magic Cubes. Desktop marketing that creates a positive emotion with your brand to your prospects.  And that Creates Endless Impressions® all year long.  Contact for free samples.

5 08, 2011

How to create Association Membership Marketing Promotions

By | August 5th, 2011|Association Marketing, Business Trade Show Gifts, Charitable Donation Marketing, Educational Marketing, General, News, Reviews, Trade Show Gifts|Comments Off on How to create Association Membership Marketing Promotions

How to create Association Membership Marketing Promotions
Traditional means of marketing for fundraising, membership recruitment and charity campaigns, can get lost when using old-fashioned philanthropy methods. Not to mention the clutter of endless competition in the market place. Magic Cubes is the 3D solution to the break away from the marketing clutter. Magic Cubes is a fun and friendly approach to TEACH your objectives, and a way for your prospects to CONNECT back to you. 3D Magic Cubes is a tactile experience that offers many ways for prospects to TOUCH your brand and message, in a fun and playful way, and that creates engagement with your objectives and brand. And isn’t that the marketing objective?

With a variety of shapes, Magic Cubes provides endless ways that TOUCH, TEACH, and CONNECT with potential supporters while they learn the important benefits of your organization. Magic Cubes provides a 3D experience that surpasses ordinary logo only branding, by engaging people with your benefits and values in a way that tells a story, right in your prospects hands. Magic Cubes state of the art printing and surface areas deliver and increase awareness, plus with available QR codes your supporters can now connect to your online content, such as supportive videos and website directly from this desktop marketing machine.

Magic Cubes is a great way to market your messages, plus they help build relationships and provide the opportunity for people to feel a connection with your cause and organization.

Touch Teach Connect with Magic Cubes, 3D Desktop Advertising that tells a story.Contact a creative reseller today.

5 08, 2011

Student Enrollment Marketing Alumni Donations ideas

By | August 5th, 2011|Advertising Specialties, Case Histories, Educational Marketing, General, Marketing Concepts, Trade Show Gifts|Comments Off on Student Enrollment Marketing Alumni Donations ideas

Student Enrollment Marketing Alumni Donations ideas

Reaching out to prospective students, alumni and potential contributors can have its challenges. Your message must communicate in a way that makes your institution stand out, and in a way that your prospects do not dismiss or discard your marketing and communication agenda. Discover how custom 3D Magic Cubes can deliver your marketing message in a fun and engaging way and deliver your marketing curriculum as a tactile experience. As recipients unfold the Magic Cube they actively TOUCH your brand while the 3D Magic Cube TEACHES prospects about your offerings, and ultimately potential students and supporters will CONNECT to your organization. The 3D Magic Cubes TOUCH, TEACH and CONNECT, giving potential students or supporters a way to learn more about your educational facility. Plus by adding a QR code, Magic Cubes CONNECT prospects to your online content, that is promoting your marketing and fundraising objectives. Always 100% designed with your own custom graphics and images, Magic Cubes create endless impressions with a fun and memorable experience on the desktop. Visit to Touch Teach Connect in 3D.

2 08, 2011

Pharma and Medical Industry Marketing that Educates

By | August 2nd, 2011|Case Histories, General, Marketing Concepts, Medical Pharma Marketing, QR Codes, Trade Show Gifts, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Pharma and Medical Industry Marketing that Educates

Competition is fierce in all areas of the medical industry. Traditional printed collateral such as brochures are sure to be an important piece of the promotional marketing mix for Pharma, Dental and Medical Marketing, but also easy for your prospects to toss in the trash. When communicating for product launch, introductions and new Wellness programs it is important that important medical information for educational and marketing purposes actually gets communicated.

Finding ways of maximizing your marketing or advertising budget is important for successfully marketing to the healthcare industry. But, the real key is to create an emotional bond and connection with your customers, while providing the educational information industry regulations require. And, when it comes to picking out educational, promotional giveaways, it’s important to keep the perceived value in mind. Let me show you how.

The 3D desktop Magic Cube is a folding advertising puzzle that displays information about your product or services. Complete with all the wonderful emotions the high quality photography will convey, the 100% custom Magic Cube sits on your prospect’s desk or counter-top. And, when they pick it up, they will be engaged in the fidget factor. Add a QR code for a link to your website, where medical professionals can request samples, download product sheets, or ask you a question. Magic Cubes make excellent trade show gifts that continue to communicate and brand long after your marketing event. That’s desktop branding with integrated real-time lead generation. Simply put, if connecting to your prospects adds to your bottom line, then choose what the experts choose. Visit for your custom Magic Cube and start leaving lasting impressions today.

24 06, 2011

Use video to present Promotional Products

By | June 24th, 2011|Artwork, Case Histories, General, Imprinted Promotional Products, Marketing Concepts, Production Specifications, Resellers, Trade Show Gifts|Comments Off on Use video to present Promotional Products

Case Study: How to Make Your Proofs Go Viral and Increase Sales

Use Video to present promotional products

Challenge: Advancements in technology have traditionally allowed for “virtual proofs” – those 2D images with a logo on a generic product.  This may work for standard “Logo Only” style products with one- or two-colors, but what about custom desktop items that have full color, full bleed, and are interactive and 3D? Further, with the global nature of business – trade shows and offices spread out around the globe – sharing proofs and getting approvals from multiple buyers can slow down production, and increase delivery time and prices.

Until recently, the only way to show a proof or a spec sample of a desktop item was to create a complete pre-production sample – a sure way to eat up a good portion of a client’s budget while increasing the production time by several weeks. Further, looking at a proof on paper or even in a PDF can, well, fall flat when a distributor’s buyer is reviewing a proof. “Our challenge was to find a way to not only showcase the various manipulations of the MagiCubes®, but also help distributors increase their sales,” says Ron Friedman, Founder, PTI Corp, owner of MagiCubes® brand of 3D folding advertising puzzles.

Solution: MagiCubes® offers free 3D videos for both proofs and specs in as fast as one or two days. Since these desktop items are always 100% custom, showcasing the promotional item via a video proof allows clients to interact with the simulated product in the same way as if they were actually physically interacting with the product. For example, buyers can inspect a 3D product by watching a quick video to view all designs on the cube.  Since most MagiCubes® have nine to 20 panels, this is very efficient compared to reviewing nine to 12 static pages of a PDF proof.

Using specific templates, the clients simply place their custom images and text on the template. We then put the artwork through a very sophisticated 3D rendering process to create the video proof. In fact it’s the same technology and same software used by Hollywood Studios and Madison Avenue Ad Agencies for creating 3D motion graphics.

Upon completion, the video is uploaded to We upload them as private, and they are only available to view with the specific link we provide. The Video Channel is safe and is not branded. The videos have a voice over track that explains that the video itself is a proof, and the buyer should carefully review for copy and image orientation, etc.  Distributors can choose to use their own voice and logo branding on the videos they share with their clients.

Results: 3D virtual proofs are eco- and budget-friendly, and, in many cases, increase sales. Friedman shares a recent example: “Distributor Bob Levitt sent in an order for 1,500 MagiCubes. Shortly after we sent the video proof to Bob, he forwarded it to his corporate buyer, who, in turn, re-distributed the 3D video proof to the company sales team around the world. The original order was 1,500 pieces, a $5,000 value. In the end, the order increased from $5,000 to $12,000.”

Adds Levitt, the V.P. of Sales for Tangerine Promotions [Now  CEO @  Brandsavvy Promotions], “Being able to provide such a quality proof in video format via a simple link, which could then be emailed to various department heads, was the key to tripling the order quantity. Usually, I am only provided one or two physical proofs, which are kept under wraps with the primary buyer. But with the 3D video system, I am able to get this product proof presented to multiple recipients in the far corners of globe in less time than it takes to drive through my Coffee Bean for a latte. Within hours after I circulated the video link, I received a call from my client that  not only was the proof approved, but yet another sales manager who viewed the video wanted to increase his allotment. After all was said and done, that week I received two more calls from the same buyer to keep increasing the order quantity. That video proof in effect doubled my commissions. I love when technology works ‘for’ you.”

The 3D video proof of the promotional item went viral throughout the client’s management resulting in substantial new business. Having a link that corporate buyers can forward is like having the video be the “inside rep” for the distributor. See the actual videos proofs here-

19 05, 2011

Direct Marketing ideas for promotional advertising

By | May 19th, 2011|3D Cubes, Advertising Specialties, Business Trade Show Gifts, General|Comments Off on Direct Marketing ideas for promotional advertising

GKIC Super Conference – Bill Glazer, co-founder of Glazer-Kennedy Insider’s Circle ( ), discusses the importance of Involvement. Bill demonstrates how MagiCubes ( ) can help info marketer’s get their prospects and customers attention with this desktop “Involvement” device. Now 100% customized for your info product, service or brand.

31 03, 2011

How to choose Promotional Products that work.

By | March 31st, 2011|Business Trade Show Gifts, Case Histories, Gallery, General, Marketing Concepts, News, Reviews|Comments Off on How to choose Promotional Products that work.

Get the power of positive emotion with the #1 choice of promotional product experts.
Bob Levitt, 17 year veteran and expert advertising and promotional product specialist speaks out about what works when you have hundreds of thousands of promotional product items to choose from. Simply put, if lead generation is important. If connecting to your clients and prospects adds to your bottom line, then choose what the experts choose.