A Primer on Packaging Promotional Products
One way to further improve the impact of your promotional product is with the right packaging. As with any other trade, presentation is the first step to making a sale. Package it right and you can sell it to any market, do it wrong and disaster ensues.Promotional products cannot always be personally distributed, as such it is important to find the right way to deliver it to your client as effectively as if you handed it to them yourself. Here are the top three ways to package your promotional products:The Gift It starts with a feeling of excitement and anticipation. Gift wrapping the item or placing it in a beautiful gift box creates the impression that the giver has taken the trouble to conceal a special item. Next, the recipient would feel honored. After all, what he or she received is a gift and not a promotional item. Finally, your client would have a sense of appreciation for your company. Gift recipient have a tendency to feel more valued than promotional products recipients.Dimensiona lsIn a typical direct mail campaign, companies get a response rate of 1.8 percent. One way to double this figure is to send out dimensional. According to Promotional Products Association International, sales letters and brochures, when used in conjunction with promotional products, can increase the response rate by as much as 2.7% . Meanwhile, Baylor University research shows that dimensional generate positive feedback from recipients by as much as 80%. While it may cost more than flat mailers, a three-dimensional direct mail has a better chance of making a lasting impression on the recipient. The trick to a successful dimensional campaign is to find a promotional product that complements your sales pitch.